Jul 2017

Fire with Fire

A little late updating the blog (shame!), but Fire with Fire is officially live. If you’ve been on the Mob Boss journey since Ruthless, I think you’re going to LOVE this new series. It builds on the post-Raneiro Donati Syndicate as Nico, Farrell, Christophe, and Luca rebuild the organization in their image. Prepare for plenty of cameos from your favorite mob men plus a whole new slate of hot, dangerous Alphas – starting with Damian Cavallo.

Love is a battlefield — and only the strong survive.

Shunning his Ivy League education and the empire that was his birthright, Damian Cavallo found his place in New York City’s criminal underworld after the fall of the Syndicate. Reclusive and angry, he works alone — until crime lord Nico Vitale makes a compelling argument for the new organization’s far-reaching power. After hearing Nico out, Damian is willing to consider the possibility of leading the New York territory.

There’s just one problem: he isn’t the only one who wants it.

Aria Fiore didn’t choose a life of crime — it chose her.

Raised by her dangerously unbalanced brother, Primo, after the death of their parents, Aria had no choice but to follow him into a life of crime. She finds happiness working in the city’s community garden but can’t help wondering if she’ll ever get the chance to choose something for herself. Then Damian Cavallo appears — hot, brooding, and demanding Primo forfeit the New York territory. Aria has no love for the business, but even the gorgeous criminal can’t shake her loyalty to her brother.

As the rivalry becomes more and more deadly, Primo’s first in command is only too happy to goad him into reckless action. Desperate to save her brother, Aria forges an alliance with Damian that quickly turns into an undeniable passion. Now she’s forced to admit the truth:

She is in love with Damian Cavallo — and her real enemy is much closer to home.

Download Now:


Jan 2017

Rogue Love

Rogue_LoveWant more Braden Kane? I’ve got you covered with the new Kings of Corruption series.

This will be a bit different from the Mob Boss series in that it will be a series of interconnected standalones. The first book, Rogue Love, releases March 21st and features none other than Braden Kane. If you’ve read any of the Mob Boss books, Braden will be familiar to you.

And he has secrets.

I’m excited to be writing this series for a number of reasons. One of them is that it features a cast of Point Break-esque bad boy vigilantes whose headquarters is on the Southern California coast near where I grew up. Another is Nora Murphy, Braden’s lady love who is a fellow FBI agent. I like to think all my female characters have been strong in their own way (and I’m a big believer that the strength of women is represented in many ways, not all of them physical), but Nora has five tough brothers in law enforcement and is a fellow graduate of the FBI Academy. She’s a great match for the badass Braden Kane, and I’m having a lot of fun exploring their dynamic, challenging relationship.

I’ll be offering free chapter samplers to my mailing list soon, so if you haven’t already signed up, please do! I the meantime, you can preorder Rogue Love at the following retailers:



Amazon Canada

Amazon UK





Covenant_front_coverWith the release of ETERNAL, Farrell Black’s story and the London Mob series is complete.

And you know what that means…

I have another book coming for you!

This one features Christophe Marchand, lover of all things beautiful and heir to a worthless title that has forced him to earn his money the old fashioned way – by fighting for it.

Isn’t he gorgeous?

*fans self*

Anyway, I won’t give away too much, but you can get an introduction to Christophe by reading Eternal. In the meantime, you can preorder now on Amazon, Amazon UK, and iBooks.

Christophe Marchand knows the value of beautiful things. He simply doesn’t want a woman to be one of them.

Heir to a worthless title, Christophe knows firsthand the only way to build an empire in the twenty-first century is with ruthless violence, single-minded focus, and cold, hard pragmatism.

That means no distractions.

But that’s before he lays eyes on Charlotte Duval.

Charlotte is no man’s arm candy.

An expert in antique furniture, Charlotte is biding her time as an assistant curator in Los Angeles when she learns her father has died. Traveling to Paris to close up his antique store, Charlotte plans to finish the job as quickly as possible, preferably without touching the still-tender wound of her estranged relationship with the father who was always impossible to reach.

And even the enigmatic Christophe Marchand can’t tempt her to stay.

But the discovery of an elaborate ring hidden inside a 16th century writing desk sets off a chain of events that sends her to Christophe Marchand for protection. Soon the pair are traveling across Europe in search of answers to an unsolved theft that once rocked the art world — and to the unbridled passion that will change their lives forever.

Eternal_front_cover_RGB (1)Primal will be out in less than two weeks, guys! And since I need to have the preorder for Eternal up by then, today is cover reveal day for book three in the London Mob series.

This might be my favorite cover yet – and with all the hot covers I’ve had, that’s saying something. Those pecs… that stare… those arms.

*fans self*

The dark and gloomy Eiffel Tower in the background is just icing on the cake!

The book releases June 14, and I’ll have a stand alone novella featuring Leo, Farrell Black’s second-in-command, out shortly thereafter. Stay tuned for details! In the meantime, you can still preorder Primal on iBooks and Amazon.

And you might as well preorder Eternal while you’re at it, because you do NOT want to miss the end of Farrell and Jenna’s story.


Order Primal




Order Eternal

